Alcohol Awareness Week


Alcohol Awareness Week is a week of awareness-raising, campaigning for change, and more. This year it takes place from 1st to 7th July.


LiveWell Dorset are able to help you if you feel that you are drinking too much, you can visit their website here

They also have a test to check how much you are drinking in a week and whether it is a safe amount.


Reducing your alcohol intake will reduce your risk of high blood pressure, cancer and dementia. Not only that, but you'll notice improvements to your appearance too! Start your journey towards drinking less today.

Drinking not only harms your health, but it can influence those around you. Here's what you could benefit from by cutting down:

Helps you feel better

Gives you more energy

Helps you handle stress better

Helps you think clearer

Makes you healthier

Helps you live longer

Reduces the risk of artery disease

Lowers your blood pressure

Prevents type 2 diabetes and some cancers

Published: Jul 1, 2024